Overview of Physics Department

          The department offers undergraduate hot Honours Programme in Physics. The Department was constituted in 2018. It began with 01 faculty member and a batch of 10 students in B.Sc course. In the years that followed, the department showed a steady growth in size and strength. At present the department has a total number of 17 students enrolled for B.Sc Physics Honours and is run by 05 faculty members. Besides offering core papers to students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics, the Department offers Minor course and Multidisciplinary course to students of other disciplines.

          We strive to develop the department as a centre of excellence in Physics education and create an environment that helps the students to explore their potential through scientific thinking. The Department carries out internal assessment in the form of assignments, tests and presentations. It also encourages project based learning through Skill Enhancement courses. The department provides various reading materials from department’s library and encourages the students towards consistent library work.



B.sc (Hons.) Physics 2023

Ayan Kashyap Seal, Assam University, Silchar, M.Sc

Weneyssa Choumoung, Rajiv Gandhi University, M.Sc

B.sc (Hons.) Physics 2018 – 22 

Mr. Eyangi Mihu, Rajiv Gandhi University, M.Sc

Mr. Karsang Perme, Rajiv Gandhi University, M.Sc

Mr. Norbu Tsering Thongdok, Rajiv Gandhi University, M.Sc
